An almost invisible landscape in a painting by Leonardo, flowers at Spring’s feet in Botticelli’s masterpiece or pearls painted by Bronzino in the Duchesse Eleonora’s hair: these are just some of the secrets that it is now possible to discover in the works by the most celebrated artists in history. Thanks to Haltadefinizione, not only scholars who have quite easily direct access to the original masterpieces, but anyone with an internet connection will now have the possibility to have a really close look at some of the most renown paintings of the Uffizi Gallery.
For four months, until the end of January 2011, six chefs d’œuvre in ultra-high resolution will be accessible on line: The Spring (Botticelli), The Birth of Venus (Botticelli), The Annunciation (Leonardo da Vinci), The Baptism of Christ (Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci), the Bacchus (Caravaggio) and the Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo (Bronzino).