In the oldest Museum in the Netherlands, the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death begin with a very important exhibition. On display, thirty original drawings on loan from museums such as the Royal Collection in Windsor, the National Museum in Budapest, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the Albertina Museum in Vienna, and the Louvre in Paris. Michael Kwakkelstein, Director of History of the Dutch Art Institute in Florence, is the curator of this major event. In addition to many of the artist’s works, a separate room has been exclusively dedicated to Leonardo’s “Last Supper,” the original painting being in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.
HALTADEFINIZIONE® reproduced the image in a 1:1 scale, utilizing the gigapixel image of the original made a few years ago (the first ever gigapixel image of the painting). This resulted in a reproduction of over 400 square feet (40 m2) placed in front of the copy of The Last Supper from the Belgian Abbey of Tongerlo.
This made for an exclusive opportunity to observe the fresco and the painting together and to imagine The Last Supper as it originally was, if hostile climate conditions and the passage of time had not severely damaged the surface only a few decades after its realization.